Monday, March 23, 2009

Class Reflection

I really did not know what to expect for this class when I first signed up. What I really wanted to do was to figure out how to use some of the new web 2.0 tools and how to better integrate them into my curriculum.

There were somethings that I already know about, but there are also things I did not know about/did not try yet. As a teacher, I am short with free time just like everyone, so it's good that I have a set time, during which I have to get my hands dirty and really build something using the tool. That's first step. The next step is to integrate it into my curriculum, which takes more thinking. And honestly, sometimes I don't come up with anything good enough (in the sense that I don't see a high ROI), then I will forgo the tool for a while (such as

Google Site is a good example. I have done Wiki and blogs, and even websites, but I never tried Google Site. After digging my hands in, I get an idea about what it's capabilities and limitations are. Now I can sit down and compare these tools and decide which one is best for the purpose at the moment. Google site does make certain integration much easier, like Kathleen said, if most of your materials are on Google, then it makes sense to use Google Doc. Otherwise, wiki (pbwiki) is probably easier.

On my Google site, I tried to put in sample assignments using the technology tools we've learned in this class. For example:
  • L5 Activity: I provided a link to VoiceThread for the students. I put a one page with a few prompts for the students, and they are to record a short speech.
  • L16 Activity: I provided a link to Animoto. Students are to write a story based on the slideshow using photos related to the topic (Visit a doctor).
  • Announcement: I can post slideshows of classroom activities to share with parents and students, etc.
  • On each lesson page (see L6), I can post up resources, including my own PowerPoint files, links to online flash activities, and resource links. I can also have students contribute their own sentences so we will have a collection of sentences to learn from.

I like the Google site that I started, but I don't see myself using it. I have invested a lot building PBWIKI sites, so I am going to continue to work on these pbWiki sites. They are still work-in-progress, because I have not finished putting materials on them, so I still have some organization to do, but if you are interested, you can request access to visit these pages: - this is what will eventually be a base for my classes. It will have information on classroom management plan, rules and policies, and resources.

The following four are mainly classroom sites. They have collaborative pages (class review sheet with vocab samples, and group skits) and individual pages (for penpal letters). I will also post student presentations online using Google Presentation (as in Chinese 3). -

Anyway, tech tools are endless. Let's keep moving forward...And Big THANK YOU to all.

Google Site Introduction

Audience (listed in the order of content relevancy):
  • Students: Information, resource, submit assignment, sharing 
  • Parents: Information, resource
  • Other teachers and administrators: Information, resource
Purpose: I am a bit greedy and want to create a site that's sort of "Jack of All Trades".  This is really not a stand-alone "instruction" site; it is more of a supplementary and information site.  I want to create a site that will serve the following purposes:
  • Students: I would like to create a site where the students can go and get all the information they need in successfully completing the course and to showcase the skills and knowledge they've acquired.  I've included the following into the sites:  Lesson materials, lesson sources, practices/exercises, submitting assignments, sharing their creative work, and other learning resources.
  • Parents: I also want to create a site where the parents can get an idea of what's going on in the classroom without relying on the students for information.  I also have a "Tips for Parents" which I will have to upload later.
  • Other teachers and administrators: There will be resources that I posted, and I welcome other teachers to leave me comments with additional resources.  This will also give people an idea about the Chinese program at Carlmont.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

A list of top 100 Learning Tools in 2008

This is a slideshow listing the top 100 learning tools, compiled by Jane Hart.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Google Form for Quiz

I got this idea from a friend to use Google Form for short quizzes. Since I teach Chinese and I want to make sure the students can write the characters, I was a a bit skeptical about using it for all levels. I decided to use it with Chinese 3, since they will be doing more of the typing in Chinese 4.

Even though the quiz was only five questions, I was pretty happy with the result. The students were to listen to my dictation, type the sentences in Chinese and then translate them into English.

A few advantages I find:
  1. This cuts down the amount of time for the quiz. It takes the students much longer if they had to write the sentences out by hand. So I was happy about this.
  2. I also made the submission/responses visible to the students, so the students can see everyone's response, and my standard answer, instantly.  There is fewer people asking "What did I get?"
  3. I would never lose a quiz again.  I exported them into Excel, formatted the responses a bit, and print it out.  I only have to take 3 sheets of paper instead of 25 sheets, what a deal!
  4. I don't have to make guesses on some of the chicken scratch more arguing with the students about whether they actually put in that stroke or not.
There is a little bit of complaint on the use of the input system, but that has nothing to do with using Google Form.

21st Century Content, 21st Century Learner, and 21st Century Etiquette?

While media literacy, environmental, social and global issues, finance, geography, civic literacy, civic engagement are all key contents for the 21st century, but how about etiquettes? Common courtesy?

Today's students are such passive learners, most of them. Perhaps they are overwhelmed with all the curriculum and tests and competitions and pressures. Perhaps they are used to have information pushed to them via digital media. Perhaps they were not taught by human about the proper etiquette and courtesy when it comes to using the digital media and resources.

Many of my students are so short on time and overwhelmed with curriculum/homework that they use technology mostly for socializing and not for learning or producing/making meanings. So how do we, as professional teachers, guide them towards Web2.0?

DropBox for Podcast hosting

So many of my students are running out of room on their edublogs, and blogger does not support audio upload. what's one to do? Well, here's a solution: Use DropBox from to host their files and link to those files. No more "I can't upload any more!" excuses.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Google Site & GoAnimate

A bit frustrated with Google Site because I feel like I should keep the content to the top page and not make it too long. Perhaps I am trying to do more than necessary.

On the other hand, I am testing out GoAnimate with my smallest/most advanced class and the students seem to like it.  The learning curve isn't too high either.  My biggest complaint right now is that the site, even though designed by people from HK, does not support Chinese, both in the animation and in the comment section. going to bai4nian2.

Like it? Create your own at It's free and fun!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Google Site Integration?

Learning about Google Site does open up another realm of options. After playing around for a while, I start to think that it looks and feel a little bit like Wiki. Although Wiki seems to have more functionalities and more gadgets. I will have to play around more to get a better understanding.

At the same time, learning all these different tools makes me wonder: Is there a way to integrate them? For example, I would love to embed a blog into a Wiki or Google Site, where I can post time-sensitive information. Is there an option to embed a chat room or discussion group into Google Site? I know we can embed presentations/Google presentation, slideshows/Picasa, and video/youtube files, That would make putting together curriculum in one place much easier. I will need to try to see if I can also embed music videos/Animoto, and digital story/Voicethread,

Stay tune.....

Google Presentation

First time embedding Google Presentation....

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Wiki troubles and thoughts

So I started using Wiki with my classes.  For the low and intermediate level classes, I am using it as a place where students will contribute their learnings and be rewarded.  This seems to work well.  Many students are contributing.  I must say, not as many as I'd like, but it's a good start.

I also use Wiki for students to post their assignments.  I will then put comments and the students will go back and edit the assignment.  This also seems to be effective.  The only thing is that, it is time-consuming for the teacher.

For the higher level students, I decided to let them work on the same collaborative-writing  assignment that we did on SocialText.  Little did I know the trouble it was going to stir up!  As the students wrote their parts, some disagreements arose.  It escalated to an online-argument of some sort.  I monitored their conversation to be sure that it didn't get out of hand, but it got me thinking about this onine learning thing.

While I agree with Dr. Bonk that e-learning technology does make the world flat and accessible to more people, it also can be dangerous if used without guidance.

In my situation, I think the students' conflict arose from lack of understanding about each other's culture and the difference in maturity level.  Of course, personality played another part in the conflict.  One of the students eventually came to speak to me and asked if I would intervene.  I explained to him that I was monitoring the exchanges, and I would only intervene if it was beyond something the students could handle.  I also explained to this particular student about their cultural differences and hence the miscommunication.  One good thing that came out of using Wiki is that the students are kept apart when their "argument" took place, instead of being face to face.  They were also reacting to words without emotions, which either lessen or fuel the conflict.

So, what does this mean?  There are so many cultures on tihs world, with the development of e-learning technology and open coursewares, it is inevitable that more and more people will cross paths.  Will there be more conflicts or will people become more culturally awared?  Will this also promote flatness of culture?  Will we "westernize" and "standardize" other cultures?  Is this a good thing?

Monday, February 23, 2009

Animoto Test Run 2

So here's the animoto slideshow with background music, using the Picasa slideshow I just created:

In order to make the slideshow fit into the 30-second window (free account), I had to take out a few photos.  This probably works out better anyway.

So what can it be used for:
1. setting the scene
2. summarize
3. all about me
4. embed in blogs/facebook to make it more interesting

Embed Picasa Photo Slideshow

Since we just finished Lesson 15, seeing a doctor, I thought I would find a few pictures and make it into something the students can use as a speaking exercise (or quiz).

Can you tell a story by looking and describing these pictures?  I hope my students can.

Animoto Test Run

I tried using Animoto when I saw Kathleen's suggestion.  I am  having a little trouble thinking about how to use it for class instruction.  In any case, I did record a short narration to go with the photos I uploaded.  Apparently I have to be really exact with the length, or it gets cut off.

VoiceThread test run

I tried this with the students and some of them are really excited (especially when extra credit is offered).

Here's an example.  I posted two images and asked a student to say something about the image.

I also showed students one "Self-Introduction" that I found online.  I played it for them, and asked some of them to make comments on a specific slide:

I've asked that all students in level 3 and above to sign up with VoiceThread, so we'll see what we can create with it!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Google Presentation

By having all the students using Google Presentation, I found that it's got a few benefits:

1.  All the presentation is in one place.  No more downloading!
2.  None of the none-sense animation.  This probably (hopefully) shifts the student's focus on content.
3.  I can see if the students (for the most part) spent time and how much time editing the presentation.

Google Map

As a language teacher, I was having difficulties finding good uses for Google Map.  Here's what I have so far:

1.  Higher level students (4th year and AP):  having them do research about a Chinese city and crand create a traveling brochure or travel plan.  They can use Google Map to indicate the location and suggest modes of transportation after finding out the distance.

2.  For Chinese 2 and 3 students:  if and when we take a fieldtrip to Chinatown, it would be interesting to have them map out the different parts of Chinatown that they need to visit and plan their own route.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

My thoughts on Google Tools

Google certainly has a lot of tools available.  It's my job now, after learning how to use some of  them, to figure out how to integrate them into the curriculum.

I have tried Google Document and  presentation as collaboration tools.  Having Google accounts also allows students to email/share their work with me.  Not only does it save the trees, it also prevents student emails from being dumped into the "Junk Mail" folder or bounced back by our firewall.

I will need to do more investigation and experiment with these tools to fit them into my curriculum.